White-tailed Deer
with Rifle in GHA 22 on November 22, 2022Not my biggest or a trophy, but the perfect size to fill the empty spaces in my freezer.

Snow Goose
with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on October 29, 2024
Ruddy Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on October 02, 2024Caught this little guy hanging out with a big flock of gadwalls trying to stay out of the wind.

Ross's Goose
with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on October 17, 2023First ever Ross's goose!

Lesser Canada Goose
with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on October 22, 2023Me and a buddy set out spread in the early morning and had a flock of a couple hundred geese pass us up for a swamp about a 1/4 mile away. Barely legal shooting light we figured it was an opportunity we couldn't pass up. Got the waders on and snagged a few lesser Canadas.

Greater Canada Goose
with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on October 09, 2023
Gadwall Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on September 12, 2024
with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on September 12, 2024
Bufflehead Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on October 15, 2024
Blue Winged Teal Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on September 12, 2024
Blue Goose
with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on October 29, 2024After getting skunked hunting Canada's I saw a big flock of blues and snows resting in a field as I was driving away. Stalked through the ditched and jumped up from behind a berm and got my first blue and snow geese.