Wild Turkey
with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on May 05, 2019
White-tailed Deer
with Rifle in GHA 30 on November 18, 2017
Ruffed Grouse
with Rifle in GBHZ 4 on November 25, 2017
Mallard Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on October 25, 2017
Greater Scaup Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on October 25, 2017
Gadwall Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on October 25, 2017
with Rifle in GHA 1 on September 23, 2023
Bull Moose
with Rifle in GHA 9 on September 29, 2019Last season while moose hunting, I received a msg stating my father suffered a heart attack he would not recover from. This year I decided I would hunt a moose with his old 300 savage 99 that had been passed down to him from my grandfather. Not only was I successful on a moose. I did it with minutes of the anniversary of his heart attack and managed to capture it all on film thanks to Stephanie Reling.