Favourite Harvest

Ruddy Duck
ShotgunGBHZ 4 September 11, 2021This male Ruddy managed to kick his way too deep for my waders before he expired so the kayak had to get pulled out, too bad we didn't get any more photos, beautiful ducks
Recent Activity
Hunter Activity Buddies Activity
Harvested on October 17, 2022 in GBHZ 4 using a ShotgunCouple Coot to boot after a wonderful night of teal hunting

Shoveler Duck
Harvested on October 02, 2022 in GBHZ 4 using a ShotgunA beautiful, healthy female Northern Shoveler

Green Winged Teal Duck
Harvested on October 17, 2022 in GBHZ 4 using a ShotgunThe flocks of green winged teal were flying tonight! Every usual spot I go for blue wings tonight had green wings, can't complain

Gadwall Duck
Harvested on October 02, 2022 in GBHZ 4 using a ShotgunEnded up with a pair of gadwall that plucked beautifully and roasted up perfectly

Redhead Duck
Harvested on September 28, 2021 in GBHZ 4 using a ShotgunGood day of hunting with 2 female redheads that decoyed, and around mid day a male Ruddy we didn't even see land swam by

Ruddy Duck
Harvested on September 11, 2021 in GBHZ 4 using a ShotgunThis male Ruddy managed to kick his way too deep for my waders before he expired so the kayak had to get pulled out, too bad we didn't get any more photos, beautiful ducks

Wood Duck
Harvested on September 12, 2021 in GBHZ 4 using a ShotgunMy first ever wood duck came as a cap to a wonderful day full of blue-winged teal for the group, I got the only wood duck, can't wait to try for more this fall, delicious huge ducks

Blue Winged Teal Duck
Harvested on September 13, 2021 in GBHZ 4 using a ShotgunGreat day on the pond, 3 blue-winged teal for my girlfriend and a pair for me with a bonus male Ruddy

White-tailed Deer
Harvested on November 25, 2021 in GHA 22 using a RifleOn the second last evening of the whitetail season I finally found the first mature buck on the 1/4 section of public land I'd been hunting most of the season, he walked behind me at 40 yards right where he shouldn't have with the wind doing what it was. Took a second to gain my composure, grunt stopped him, and shot. The tastiest buck I've harvested to date.

Bronze Level Awarded!
Congratulations on earning the Bronze Level award.
Ruffed Grouse
Harvested on December 06, 2021 in GBHZ 4 using a RifleTough day hiking and hunting through some public land in the valleys around Rivers, ended up finding a lone male ruffed grouse that made it all worth it

Sharptail Grouse
Harvested on November 15, 2021 in GBHZ 4 using a ShotgunMy first ever Sharpie, seen 3 of them bedded down in some fresh snow, busted them up and took one down. Delicious, great sized bird