with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on September 23, 2020
Wood Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on October 04, 2018
Wild Turkey
with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on May 03, 2020
White-fronted Goose
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on September 28, 2019
Spruce Grouse
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on October 15, 2016Some of the Ruffed and Spruce Grouse harvested today after an early season snowfall.
Snow Goose
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on October 04, 2016Monsoon like weather today. Raining sideways. Mixed bag of Snow and Ross Geese.

with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on October 13, 2019
Shoveler Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on September 03, 2017
Sharptail Grouse
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on November 24, 2017
Sandhill Crane
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on September 01, 2018
Ruffed Grouse
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on October 15, 2016Some of the Ruffed and Spruce grouse harvested today, after a early season snowfall.
Ross's Goose
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on October 04, 2016Monsoon like weather today. Mixed bag of Ross and Snow Geese.

Ring-Necked Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on September 17, 2017
Redhead Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on September 17, 2017
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on January 07, 2018Manitoba upland opportunities are superb. Snowshoes and wing shooting these flying snowballs. What a great wintertime adventure.

Pintail Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on September 05, 2017
Merganser Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on September 10, 2017
Mallard Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on November 27, 2016Late season mallards, The Pas Manitoba.

Lesser Scaup Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on October 17, 2020
Lesser Canada Goose
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on September 28, 2018
Green Winged Teal Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on September 17, 2017Greater Canada Goose
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on September 01, 2017
Gray (Hungarian) Partridge
with Shotgun in GBHZ 4 on October 23, 2022
Goldeneye Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on September 01, 2018
Gadwall Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on September 04, 2022
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on September 03, 2017
Canvasback Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on September 21, 2018
Blue Winged Teal Duck
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on September 04, 2017Blue Goose
with Shotgun in GBHZ 2 on October 04, 2016Monsoon like weather with the rain falling sideways. Mixed bag harvest of Ross Geese and Blue and white fazed Snow Geese.