Species Completion Checklist
Harvest species to qualify for awards.
Big Game
- Boar Black Bear
- Bull Moose
- Caribou
- Elk
- White-tailed Deer
- Coyote
Unique Birds
- Coot
Upland Game Birds
- Gray (Hungarian) Partridge
Migratory Waterfowl
Harvest 1 species from each waterfowl classification within the migratory category.
Dark Geese
- Greater Canada Goose
- Lesser Canada Goose
- White-fronted Goose
Diving Duck
- Bufflehead Duck
Puddle Duck
- American Widgeon Duck
White Geese
- Blue Goose
Primary Awards
Must be completed in ascending order from Bronze to Grand Slam.
To meet the Migratory Waterfowl requirements, you will need to harvest 1 Puddle Duck, 1 Diving Duck, 1 Dark Goose and 1 White Goose from the qualifying species checklist above.
Harvest all 2:- Migratory Waterfowl or 2 Upland Game Birds species
- Black Bear or White-tailed Deer
- Harvest all 5:
- Migratory Waterfowl
- 2 Upland Game Birds
- Boar Black Bear
- White-tailed Deer
- Wild Turkey or Sandhill Crane
- Bronze
Harvest 1 of 3:- Elk
- Caribou
- Bull Moose
- Bronze
- Silver
Harvest 2 of 3:- Elk
- Caribou
- Bull Moose
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
Harvest 4 of 5:- Elk
- Caribou
- Bull Moose
- Gray Wolf
- Coyote
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
- Platinum
Grand Slam
Harvest 9 of 11:- Migratory Waterfowl
- 2 Upland Game Birds
- Elk
- Caribou
- Bull Moose
- Gray Wolf
- Coyote
- White-tailed Deer
- Boar Black Bear
- Wild Turkey or Sandhill Crane
- Bronze
- Silver
- Gold
- Platinum
- Expert
Specialist Awards
Waterfowl Specialist
- 4 of 5 different Diving Duck
- 5 different Puddle Duck
- Dark Geese
- 1 Greater and 1 Lesser Canada Goose
- OR
- 1 White-fronted Goose
- White Geese
- 1 Snow or Blue Goose
- 1 Ross's Goose

Upland Specialist
Harvest all 5:- Ruffed Grouse
- Spruce Grouse
- Sharptail Grouse
- Gray (Hungarian) Partridge
- Ptarmigan

Unique Bird Specialist
Harvest 4 of 5:- Wild Turkey
- Sandhill Crane
- Coot
- Snipe
- Woodcock

Big Game Specialist
Harvest 4 of 5:- Elk
- Caribou
- Bull Moose
- White-tailed Deer
- Boar Black Bear

Predator Specialist
Harvest all 2:- Gray Wolf
- Coyote