Favourite Harvest

White-tailed Deer
MuzzleloaderGHA 30 November 08, 2019Hunting on one of the wildlife management areas, this deer came into my rattling in behind me. I moved to get a look and it swung round to get down wind and check me out. It stepped in between some brush and I made a good double lung shot, happy to harvest the meat and cook my venison.
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White-tailed Deer
Harvested on November 08, 2019 in GHA 30 using a MuzzleloaderHunting on one of the wildlife management areas, this deer came into my rattling in behind me. I moved to get a look and it swung round to get down wind and check me out. It stepped in between some brush and I made a good double lung shot, happy to harvest the meat and cook my venison.

Mallard Duck
Harvested on October 18, 2019 in GBHZ 4 using a ShotgunWent for a late season duck hunt. Ended up only having a single duck commit to our decoys. It's not all about limits, and at least we learnt something.